Umesh's Marriage and "Cat Effect"

It was Umesh's marriage yesterday. Six of us (Jayanna, Nagesh, Ramnath, Satish, Suresh and me) hired a Tata Sumo and started our journey to Siricare, 20 kms from Chitradurga . We were to leave by 0600 hrs but thanks to the some wonderful planning by Jayanna, were delayed by an hour :-(

Jayanna had seen a cat cross the road when he had started and that is considered a bad omen. So he had given strict instructions to our driver not to speed more than 60 km/hr. With pounding hearts, partly due to the "Cat effect" and thanks to some excellent (!) driving by our young driver, we finally managed to reach the marriage hall around 1245 (the marriage muhurtham was at 1110).

Ganna and Saeed had come down from Hyderabad for the marriage. After the customary wishes and lunch, we started off back at around 1445. Initially we had plans of visiting Chandravalli, but dropped. All our thoughts were about reaching home safely. Jayanna dropped out at Chitradurga as he was going for one of his relatives marriage and Nagesh at Tumkur. Atlast when I reached home it was almost 2100hrs. No idea if Ramnath managed his way to his village (don't remember the name) near Mathikarai.

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This page contains a single entry by balaji published on May 15, 2003 6:25 PM.

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